Density-hydrometer for petroleum products with thermometer in body


a) with thermometer -10 +60 °C paper-scale ±400 mm
b) with thermometer 0 + 100 °C paper-scale ±440 mm

division 0,001 g/cm3
standard 15 °C

SKU: 0434S-wg -0439S-wg Category:
Item numberRange
0434 S-wg0,610 - 0,700
0435 S-wg0,680 - 0,770
0436 S-wg0,750 - 0,840
0437 S-wg0,820 - 0,910
0438 S-wg0,890 - 0,990
0439 S-wg0,980 - 1,100

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